Monday, September 28, 2009

Hot and Cold

We are free to change our mind however many times we want and whenever we want.

I'm pretty sure I was born NOT to live in cold weather. I run from it. However, there are times I love it. I'm sure if I had to, I cold live in cold weather, but I prefer not to.
There are those who would not live in hot weather, but if they had to, I'm sure they could.
"you get used to it" people say.
I need lots of sun. Helps me to stay happy.

I think we have too many options in this world, making it hard to make "good" decisions.
What is right or wrong and who determines it?
The infamous "them" and "they"
Lets vote on it. Who votes? Do you think therefore you vote? Or did you remember to write that down? Is your opinion a vote? oh, I know, lets just all get together and complain and then leave all that legal stuff up to someone else. Someone else will take care of it, right? I mean, there are so many people, someone has to feel strongly enough to do something, right?

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I like when things are clean, orderly and put into place. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and helps me to feel more in control, which, in turn, makes me feel more powerful.

Everyone seems to get their sense of power from something. Rarely is it just there. We aren't born with feeling powerful. But what makes each individual person feel powerful? It seems as though it is slighly different for everyone. Finding my source of power is the key to unlocking my potential.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I'm a sucker for books. I LOVE BOOKS!!! All kinds, shapes, sizes, textures, smells, genres... I also love quotes. One liners. Sometimes more then one line. There is something magical with words. As my mother has told me time and time again, physical pain can come and go, but the pain of words can last forever.
How is it that the pain of words last? Why not the joy of them too. Ya know, "I love you". Why does it seem like the words, "I hate you" or "I'm so disappointed in you" burn so much deeper?

I can get lost in a good book-even those books considered "dime novels" as one friend put it. Letting the story fold in front of my eyes as the way I want to hear it, see it, smell it. Something way more magical then watching a movie. I recently started listening to books on CD. A nicer way to pass the time while I drive all around. Better then listening to the same "top 40" songs, which always seems to sound like the same 10. However, I was sad to find that a book on tape was no where near as satisfying as actually reading a book. I found myself becoming critical of the reader-thinking thoughts such as "that didn't sound right, she should have used a softer tone, or she should have paused longer, yadda yadda yadda" and I found myself becoming annoyed my the reader's tone of voice. I like the sound of my own voice in my head. :)
BUT nonetheless, I would rather listen to a story be told to me then let my head wonder around all day--- too many wondering thoughts can lead to good or bad thoughts, however, more often then not, it's usually the neg thoughts that creep in.
I currently have a book on CD in my car, a book I've been reading for the past month, and another one I have just started. I also just got 5 new books in the mail and had a friend give me a book she was going to toss out.
Read, write, sleep, eat, play.