Thursday, January 27, 2011

more than I can read

I think I have a problem with books.... I love to buy them, but can never find time (or make time) to read them. I know I have an earlier blog about buying books, I just can't help myself! At least I'm almost never paying full retail cost for them. Of the six books I bought a couple days ago, only one was new and I had a 33% of coupon. However, I still spent more on that one book than I did on all the other 5 added up after taxes. There is one book I borrowed, so really, I should get to reading that one so I can return it to my bishop (or rather, my former bishop). If I didn't have any responsibilities, I think all I would do is read. First I'd read though the entire bible (sooo much to learn!), then I'd read all the books on my bookshelf I have yet to read, then I'd go and get myself a library card and start checking out books (a whole lot cheaper and makes it easier to move because there are less books to lug around). But there is something to be said for owning a book that a library cannot substitute. .... well, off to bed I go, up at 4am for another training for work, wahoo! 

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Yes! Isaac finally asked and I said YES!!! 
I've developed a new blog featuring Isaac and my relationship. Come on over and take a look at how we started and how he asked. 
Feel free to track our relationship through the planning of the wedding and our future together.